Thursday, April 23, 2009

The long awaited posting

I clearly cannot promise to be regular in updating this blog, but I do try my best. However, when I called my mom tonight and wondered how on earth it became Thursday evening, it got worse when I realized that it is also almost May!!!!!!

All is well here, Joe is growing and changing every day! He is such a treat, with all of the talking and a complete exhaustion with all the walking/running/climbing! :-)

Mike is working a lot these days, and the poor house is suffering for it as I have NO energy to clean at the end of the day once Joe goes to bed. Lucky for me he had such a big day outside today that he was asleep by 745pm. The house is close to in order, but I needed a break tp catch up on the blog. (Will post pictures of the rest of our big day next.)

I have been keeping very busy at work, and am beginning to hunker down for a very long legislative budget process as well as a very intense campaign season!

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