Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Smilin' Joe

The picture says it all! Joe continues to amaze us with his development. He is "talking" a ton these days and I couldn't snap fast enough to get a full smile, but this is close enough!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Go State!

Joe is getting ready for football season! Maybe he will make it to some tailgates this year.

Joe's first 4-wheeler ride

We went to Merrill this past weekend to see Mike's cousins who have not seen Joe since he was born. Joe put his sweater on to go for a ride on the 4-wheeler, but then he thought better of it and decided to take his bottle instead!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Two month check up

Today was Joe's two month check up at the doctor. He is "off the charts" with his growth. He is now 14 pounds 6 ounces, and 24 3/4 inches. He is in the 96th percentile for both weight and height.

Sadly, he had his vaccines today which I know he won't remember - but I will! He has been fussy all day, but hopefully the Tylenol will help keep the pain down. I feel bad for the little man.

Up north we go

Joe took his second trip to Gaylord over the weekend. He had his first trip away from Mom since she had to work for the day and night. He loved hanging out with Grandma Danna! Joe also had his first nap in a big boy bed. (Actually it is our bed in Gaylord.) He enjoyed sleeping with his dinosaur and puppy looking on. :-)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The baby is growing up!

It was a sad day (for Beth at least) yesterday when I had to break out the 3-6 month onsies for Joe to wear. He was literally "busting" out of the 0-3 month ones.

I take solace in the fact that his 0-3 month clothing still fits him. Fingers crossed it will stay that way until at least 10 weeks of age. But who am I kidding!!!! :-)


Grandma Lori bought Joe this outfit and he clearly likes lounging around in it! If you cannot see the pictures well-it is a Tigger outfit!

Ta Ta for now!